Monday, June 8, 2009

Summers Beginning

The summer is always an exciting time. The past few days have been full of end of the school year activities, a birthday party and a trip to Carowinds. The end of school was kinda bitter sweet for me this year. I'll be moving from Mitchell Road Elementary to Washington Center. I've loved being at Mitchell Road and have made some lasting friendships. I hate to go but I must so I'm anxious about the future and praying for a smooth transition. Payton will also be changing schools and I'm not quite sure where that will be as of yet. He is excited about wherever it might be though. He has had such a good time at Mitchell Road too and that is what I will miss the most....US being together. I've loved being at the same school and can pop in and check on him at anytime and see all of his special activities. The 3rd grade was a tough grade with all the homework 3rd graders have but he did fantastic. Payton made the AB Honor Roll for the YEAR!! I'm so proud of him for working so hard.

The last day of school was Payton's actual birthday but we had his party on Saturday at the YMCA Pool. The kids enjoyed swimming and playing and I can't believe Payton is 9 years old. Where does time go?

Yesterday we went to Carowinds and we had a beautiful day. The weather couldn't have been better...warm but not extremely hot and there were no crowds. Everyone got to ride all the rides they wanted and even ride them multiple times. Payton was finally big enough to ride the big roller coasters and he enjoyed riding with his older brothers. It was fun watching them have fun together. Despite the age difference they love each other and hopefully they can stay close the older they get.

Some things Payton refused to ride but the older boys had a great time.

And while Payton was riding some Nickelodeon rides...his older brothers enjoyed the Carousel.

Mike enjoyed the day too and just had to have his picture taken with Chuckie.

We had such a fun day and I for one look forward to doing it again soon.