Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2009 Hollywild Christmas

Payton loved feeding the deer.

The Zonkey

Mike feeding the Zebra.

The Zebra then went around to Syd to get a snack.

Hollywild is a tradition for my family every Christmas.

The deer were beautiful and everywhere.

This is the Buffalo getting ready to visit Mike.

The Buffalo visited Syd and Payton too.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I love the Holidays. I especially love trying to decorate for Christmas and have lots of ideas but very low funds to get them accomplished. So I manage with what I have and I think it looks really pretty and it makes us feel all cozy and warm inside. I wish the decorations could stay up all year but its not the same feeling, is it? After Christmas it seems its time to get back to the old grind but I wish the feelings of the Holiday could last all throughout the year. This year we are in a new house and so I've had a challenge because this house is smaller and I don't want it to feel cluttered with just too many things. I'm posting some pictures of the den where we spend all our time together. Hope you find it as cozy as we do.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I just think this is the cutest Topiary and I even think I can make it after seeing the easy instructions. If you think its as cute as I do then hurry on over and meet RACHEL and she will show you how you can make one too.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I haven't blogged in several months but a friend sent this to me by email and I liked it so much I wanted to blog about it and share it with anyone that is interested. This has been a peeve of mine for several years now and I refuse to allow the media and all the influences out there to take Christ out Christmas for me. I just thought this was a cool video and it makes me smile when I see it. What about you?