I haven't blogged in several months but a friend sent this to me by email and I liked it so much I wanted to blog about it and share it with anyone that is interested. This has been a peeve of mine for several years now and I refuse to allow the media and all the influences out there to take Christ out Christmas for me. I just thought this was a cool video and it makes me smile when I see it. What about you?
Hi Kim...thanks for the visit to my blog today. I appreciate your kind comments sweetie.
I have noticed that you hadn't been blogging lately. Life can be stressful and sometimes somethin's gotta give huh? I enjoy blogging and when I am not going out because of illness or bad weather, or some other reason, I find it like therapy. ((smile))
This year I have done all of my Christmas shopping online and it has been nice. The only problem is that I get nervous when it doesn't come when they say it will, or when it is backordered etc. But it sure is easy and ya don't have to brave the cold or fight the crowds.
So are you getting settled in to your new place? And have you been feeling ok? Hope God has been holding you in the palm of His hand.
We always say "God is God...and God is Good!" And indeed He is!
May this Christmas be a blessing to you and yours.
I liked the Christmas with a capital "C" video. Thanks for sharing.
Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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