Tuesday, January 27, 2009

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This is a short story about the birth of my second son, Sydney Cooper. But I’m going to back up a little bit and start the story nearly a year before his birth. In 1992, I had a seizure. It all began one morning as I was getting ready for work and I noticed my foot was doing something weird. Just a funny feeling but I brushed it off as nothing and went on to work. By lunchtime my foot and calf wanted to do its own thing. When I would take a step, my leg from my knee down felt like it wouldn’t straighten back out. I still wasn’t that nervous or scared at this point. Then as the next day started, my whole right leg was jerking like it was having a muscle spasm non stop. Even during my sleep it would make this jerking movement. I made an appointment with my doctor.
After his exam, my doctor wanted to refer me to a Neurologist and within a week I was seeing Dr. Ledbetter. My first visit was on a Friday and he ran some test and said he wanted me to have a MRI on the following Monday. He evidently notice something out of the ordinary because he started me on a seizure medication that day. On Sunday, however, I woke up early and went straight into a seizure. They never found out the reason and I never had another one but because of abnormal EEG’s I was on medication for 10 years. Because of this they didn’t want me to have anymore children and my husband had a vasectomy. I had always wanted more children and was saddened that that wasn’t going to ever happen, however God had something else in store. Obviously the Vasectomy didn’t work. The doctor said 1 in 500 doesn’t so YEAH I was that “1”.
My pregnancy was pretty normal just as it was with Layne. I was a little concerned because I was on seizure medication during this pregnancy but I had a really good doctor who was very reassuring and gave me all the possibilites up front. She also allowed for many Ultrasounds and even one in 3D to check for facial deformities which were a possible side effect of my medication. Everything was checking out fine. About 3 weeks before my due date, my check up showed that my amniotic fluid was low. So she puts me out of work and suggests rest as this can help build fluid back up. After the first week I was checked again and the fluid was still the same and since I was another week closer she said if I wanted to we could have a baby that day. I was so anxious for Syd to get here so naturally I said YES.
My doctor meets me at the hospital at 5:00 pm and they break my water. In a very short period of time my contractions start. I was actually planning on having a epidural for this one but when it came time to where I was asking to get it they couldn’t find the anesthesiologist to give it to me and by the time he comes in I’m in way too much pain. He tries to give it to me anyway and on the 3rd time he gets it right. (Unfortunately it didn’t take right away but I was feeling no pain after I had already given birth) As soon as I lay back again I’m informed I can start pushing so there was no way the epidural was working at that point. Sydney was born with just a few short pushes at 7:56pm (3 hours) and when everyone was busy taking care of him and finishing up with me I was feeling fine. He was the smallest of my boys at 6lbs 8oz and was only 18 ½ inches long but he was beautiful with a head full of black hair and just perfect. I can’t believe that same little boy is now a Sophmore in High School and is getting ready to drive. Where does the time go?
Next week will be the incredible birth of Payton and if you’ve thought my first two births were fast just wait until you hear how quick this little guy entered the world.

Proud Big Brother Layne and Sydney at 5 weeks


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To join in Wednesdays’ Walk, click on the button to the right for more information.

I wanted to share with you the birth stories of my children. I have 3 boys ages 25, 15 and 8. People ask me all the time if it was easier or harder having them so far apart but honestly that’s all I’ve known so I couldn’t really answer that. I have been married twice so my first two are from my first marriage. Each birth was so exciting and it was hard to decide which story to tell first so I just decided to start with the oldest.

I was in the Navy and had only been married about 10 months when I suspected I was pregnant. I was stationed in Keflavik, Iceland and expecting my first child and being away from my family was not a happy time for me. My plans were to become a Nurse and I was going to San Diego for my training but my husband and baby would not be able to come with me because of the housing situation and I wasn’t a high enough rank to get housing at that time. So my decision to leave the Navy was a easy one because I definitely wasn’t leaving my newborn to go across the country to go to school. So I came home when I was 7 months pregnant. I then set out to find a doctor. Since I didn’t have insurance any longer, I found a doctor that would let me and the baby come home from the hospital on the same day if there were no complications. I didn’t have a clue about childbirth but I figured if other women did it I surely could do it too without any problems. Although when my mother would say “I’m just glad it’s you and not me” I should have questioned her more about that. I wondered why she would say something like that but dummy me didn’t question her. I figured it would be uncomfortable but ……yes I said uncomfortable…I never dreamed what it was really like. I should have thought about it a lot though because Layne didn’t seem to want to enter the world too soon. Every week going to the doctor to tell me nothing was happening was so frustrating. Finally when I had given up trying to predict when he was coming it happened. On June 12th , 1983 around 10pm as I lay watching Television anticipating sleep, Layne decided it was time. I felt a sharp kick and a small gush and knew something just happened but didn’t really know what. We called my mom for some advice and she said that Yes that sounds like what has happened. Well if I had waited a few seconds I would have known for sure myself that that is exactly what happened. All I could think about was that my baby was most likely going to be born on the “13th”. As I tried to move around and get things ready (why didn’t I have this ready anyway?? It’s not like I didn’t have the time) that’s when things started happening and happening all too fast for me too. I called the doctor and he said I could go to the hospital or wait awhile if I wanted. He figured I would have awhile before I delivered since this was my first child. Well I did wait for awhile, I waited for 2 hours until my pains became unbearable. We left for the hospital around midnight. So we get there and the nurses are taking their time trying to check me in all the while I think I’m dying and once again my pants are soaked. Finally we get to the Birthing Room and I’m thinking they should know it’s been over 2 hours now since my water broke. They’ve left us by ourselves at this point and I tell my husband (at that time) to go tell them. He pats my arm and says “It’ll be o’k, I’ll tell them the next time they come in”. Why do men do this? He got it real quick from that point on. I didn’t have a Epidural or any other drugs, not that I’m so courageous but because we didn’t have any insurance and I was thinking of what it would cost us. Well everything continued to move very fast and on June 13th at 2:04am Jeffrey Layne was born. In just 4 hours I had given birth to the most beautiful little boy I had ever seen and what joy he has brought to my life. Through the years Layne has been the little boy who could always make friends with anyone and always pulled for the underdog. He’s gentle, compassionate and always makes me proud. This year will be a milestone in his life because on October 17, 2009, Layne and Christina are getting married and after 3 boys I’m finally going to have a girl in our family. I’m gaining a daughter! I’m so excited and look forward to seeing what God has planned for their lives.

Next Wednesday I’ll share how Sydney became a part of our lives.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am always looking for a great deal and where I can get the most out of my coupons. I stumbled across these deals at Bi-Lo yesterday and wanted to share. I got 12 bottles or cans of Suave products and used my Buy 3 Suave products and get $2 off coupons. These bottles of shampoo and conditioner were .74 each, hairspray was $1.30 each and the childrens shampoo was $1.21 each. After using 4 of my coupons this averaged out to be around .30 per can or bottle. The ACT Mouthwash is reg. $5.99 and it was on sale for $3.99, the Tylenol is reg. $6 and was also on sale for $3.99. I used a $2 off coupon for each of these items making them only $2 each which made these a great deal too. The Tums were $1.49 each and I had $1 off coupons making these only .49 each and last was the Pepcid. It is reg. $5.29 on clearance for $2.64 and I had $1 off coupon so I paid $1.64. The grand total for these products were close to $30 and I paid OOP $11.11. I think thats pretty good. Some other deals I found but not pictured were the Green Giant Frozen Veggies. They are on sale BOGO and after using the .50 off each this makes this product free. I also had $1.50 off coupons for Coffee Mate coffee creamer. They were on sale for $1.99 and I paid .50 cents. Woo Hoo!!! I love finding these deals. It's funny what little things can excite me. If you've found any good deals lately, please post them and let me know.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My First Birthday Party

After doing some thinking about what memory to share I felt that for my very first post for the very first "Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane" that it would only be fitting to share about my very first Birthday Party. To begin, let me tell you a little about my childhood. I am the youngest of 4 and my mother was a SAHM and my daddy was a Preacher. We never had alot of money but I never felt like I was having to do without either. We always had a nice clean home, it was warm and cozy and momma always cooked us three meals a day. I have heard her say many times that there were days she didn't know what she would feed us the next day but that the Lord would always provide for us and he did. My home was a home where I always knew I was loved and I feel truly blessed to have been brought up in a Christian home.

One thing my mother didn't celebrate though like most parents do were our Birthdays. Looking back on this it seems really sad but I never wondered why and I never felt cheated. She would bake me a cake on that day but as far as gifts or having friends over...an actual party...I never had one. Not until April 2005. So on this day my husband and boys gave me a Birthday Party. My very First Party! Just having the party would have been plenty enough for me but as my gift they gave me a Easy Bake Oven. This was something my boys had always heard me say I wanted as a little girl but I never got. Well, I can't say that anymore and not only did I get the Easy Bake Oven but I also got a Barbie Cake. Can you imagine my surprise? I loved this party and just knowing that these men in my life that I dearly love, put this much thought into doing something like this for me, just made the whole thing that much more special.